
Our most recent publications!
  • Optimal Protocols for Continual Learning via Statistical Physics and Control Theory

    Francesco Mori, Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Francesca Mignacco
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    Artificial neural networks often struggle with catastrophic forgetting when learning multiple tasks sequentially, as training on new tasks degrades the performance on previously learned ones. Recent theoretical work has addressed this issue by analysing learning curves in synthetic frameworks under predefined training protocols. However, these protocols relied on heuristics and lacked a solid theoretical foundation assessing their optimality. In this paper, we fill this gap combining exact equations for training dynamics, derived using statistical physics techniques, with optimal control methods. We apply this approach to teacher-student models for continual learning and multi-task problems, obtaining a theory for task-selection protocols maximising performance while minimising forgetting. Our theoretical analysis offers non-trivial yet interpretable strategies for mitigating catastrophic forgetting, shedding light on how optimal learning protocols can modulate established effects, such as the influence of task similarity on forgetting. Finally, we validate our theoretical findings on real-world data. [Read Article]
  • A meta-learning framework for rationalizing cognitive fatigue in neural systems

    Yujun Li, Rodrigo Carrasco-Davis, Younes Strittmatter, Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Sebastian Musslick
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    The ability to exert cognitive control is central to human brain function, facilitating goal-directed task performance. However, humans exhibit limitations in the duration over which they can exert cognitive control -a phenomenon referred to as cognitive fatigue. This study explores a computational rationale for cognitive fatigue in continual learning scenarios: cognitive fatigue serves to limit the extended performance of one task to avoid the forgetting of previously learned tasks. Our study employs a meta-learning framework, wherein cognitive control is optimally allocated to balance immediate task performance with forgetting of other tasks. We demonstrate that this model replicates common patterns of cognitive fatigue, such as performance degradation over time and sensitivity to reward. Furthermore, we discuss novel predictions, including variations in cognitive fatigue based on task representation overlap. This approach offers a novel perspective on the computational role of cognitive fatigue in neural systems. [Read Article]
  • Bias in Motion: Theoretical Insights into the Dynamics of Bias in SGD Training

    Anchit Jain, Rozhin Nobahari, Aristide Baratin, Stefano Sarao Mannelli
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    Machine learning systems often acquire biases by leveraging undesired features in the data, impacting accuracy variably across different sub-populations. Current understanding of bias formation mostly focuses on the initial and final stages of learning, leaving a gap in knowledge regarding the transient dynamics. To address this gap, this paper explores the evolution of bias in a teacher-student setup modeling different data sub-populations with a Gaussian-mixture model. We provide an analytical description of the stochastic gradient descent dynamics of a linear classifier in this setting, which we prove to be exact in high dimension. Notably, our analysis reveals how different properties of sub-populations influence bias at different timescales, showing a shifting preference of the classifier during training. Applying our findings to fairness and robustness, we delineate how and when heterogeneous data and spurious features can generate and amplify bias. We empirically validate our results in more complex scenarios by training deeper networks on synthetic and real datasets, including CIFAR10, MNIST, and CelebA. [Read Article]
  • Tilting the Odds at the Lottery: the Interplay of Overparameterisation and Curricula in Neural Networks

    Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Yaraslau Ivashinka, Andrew Saxe, Luca Saglietti
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    A wide range of empirical and theoretical works have shown that overparameterisation can amplify the performance of neural networks. According to the lottery ticket hypothesis, overparameterised networks have an increased chance of containing a sub-network that is well-initialised to solve the task at hand. A more parsimonious approach, inspired by animal learning, consists in guiding the learner towards solving the task by curating the order of the examples, i.e. providing a curriculum. However, this learning strategy seems to be hardly beneficial in deep learning applications. In this work, we propose an analytical study that connects curriculum learning and overparameterisation. In particular, we investigate their interplay in the online learning setting for a 2-layer network in the XOR-like Gaussian Mixture problem. Our results show that a high degree of overparameterisation -while simplifying the problem- can limit the benefit from curricula, providing a theoretical account of the ineffectiveness of curricula in deep learning. [Read Article]
  • Why Do Animals Need Shaping? A Theory of Task Composition and Curriculum Learning

    Jin Hwa Lee, Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Andrew Saxe
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    Diverse studies in systems neuroscience begin with extended periods of training known as 'shaping' procedures. These involve progressively studying component parts of more complex tasks, and can make the difference between learning a task quickly, slowly or not at all. Despite the importance of shaping to the acquisition of complex tasks, there is as yet no theory that can help guide the design of shaping procedures, or more fundamentally, provide insight into its key role in learning. Modern deep reinforcement learning systems might implicitly learn compositional primitives within their multilayer policy networks. Inspired by these models, we propose and analyse a model of deep policy gradient learning of simple compositional reinforcement learning tasks. Using the tools of statistical physics, we solve for exact learning dynamics and characterise different learning strategies including primitives pre-training, in which task primitives are studied individually before learning compositional tasks. We find a complex interplay between task complexity and the efficacy of shaping strategies. Overall, our theory provides an analytical understanding of the benefits of shaping in a class of compositional tasks and a quantitative account of how training protocols can disclose useful task primitives, ultimately yielding faster and more robust learning. [Read Article]
  • The RL Perceptron: Generalisation Dynamics of Policy Learning in High Dimensions

    Nishil Patel, Sebastian Lee, Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Sebastian Goldt, Andrew Saxe
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    Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have proven transformative in a range of domains. To tackle real-world domains, these systems often use neural networks to learn policies directly from pixels or other high-dimensional sensory input. By contrast, much theory of RL has focused on discrete state spaces or worst-case analysis, and fundamental questions remain about the dynamics of policy learning in high-dimensional settings. Here, we propose a solvable high-dimensional model of RL that can capture a variety of learning protocols, and derive its typical dynamics as a set of closed-form ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We derive optimal schedules for the learning rates and task difficulty - analogous to annealing schemes and curricula during training in RL - and show that the model exhibits rich behaviour, including delayed learning under sparse rewards; a variety of learning regimes depending on reward baselines; and a speed-accuracy trade-off driven by reward stringency. Experiments on variants of the Procgen game "Bossfight" and Arcade Learning Environment game "Pong" also show such a speed-accuracy trade-off in practice. Together, these results take a step towards closing the gap between theory and practice in high-dimensional RL. [Read Article]
  • Optimal transfer protocol by incremental layer defrosting

    Federica Gerace, Diego Doimo, Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Luca Saglietti, Alessandro Laio
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    Transfer learning is a powerful tool enabling model training with limited amounts of data. This technique is particularly useful in real-world problems where data availability is often a serious limitation. The simplest transfer learning protocol is based on ``freezing" the feature-extractor layers of a network pre-trained on a data-rich source task, and then adapting only the last layers to a data-poor target task. This workflow is based on the assumption that the feature maps of the pre-trained model are qualitatively similar to the ones that would have been learned with enough data on the target task. In this work, we show that this protocol is often sub-optimal, and the largest performance gain may be achieved when smaller portions of the pre-trained network are kept frozen. In particular, we make use of a controlled framework to identify the optimal transfer depth, which turns out to depend non-trivially on the amount of available training data and on the degree of source-target task correlation. We then characterize transfer optimality by analyzing the internal representations of two networks trained from scratch on the source and the target task through multiple established similarity measures. [Read Article]
  • An Analytical Theory of Curriculum Learning in Teacher-Student Networks

    Luca Saglietti*, Stefano Sarao Mannelli*, Andrew Saxe
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    In animals and humans, curriculum learning -presenting data in a curated order- is critical to rapid learning and effective pedagogy. A long history of experiments has demonstrated the impact of curricula in a variety of animals but, despite its ubiquitous presence, a theoretical understanding of the phenomenon is still lacking. Surprisingly, in contrast to animal learning, curricula strategies are not widely used in machine learning and recent simulation studies reach the conclusion that curricula are moderately effective or ineffective in most cases. This stark difference in the importance of curriculum raises a fundamental theoretical question: when and why does curriculum learning help? In this work, we analyse a prototypical neural network model of curriculum learning in the high-dimensional limit, employing statistical physics methods. We study a task in which a sparse set of informative features are embedded amidst a large set of noisy features. We analytically derive average learning trajectories for simple neural networks on this task, which establish a clear speed benefit for curriculum learning in the online setting. However, when training experiences can be stored and replayed (for instance, during sleep), the advantage of curriculum in standard neural networks disappears, in line with observations from the deep learning literature. Inspired by synaptic consolidation techniques developed to combat catastrophic forgetting, we investigate whether consolidating synapses at curriculum change points can boost the benefits of curricula. We derive generalisation performance as a function of consolidation strength (implemented as a Gaussian prior connecting learning phases), and show that this consolidation mechanism can yield a large improvement in test performance. Our reduced analytical descriptions help reconcile apparently conflicting empirical results, trace regimes where curriculum learning yields the largest gains, and provide experimentally-accessible predictions for the impact of task parameters on curriculum benefits. More broadly, our results suggest that fully exploiting a curriculum may require explicit consolidation at curriculum boundaries. [Read Article]
  • Bias-inducing geometries: an exactly solvable data model with fairness implications

    Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Federica Gerace, Negar Rostamzadeh, Luca Saglietti
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    Machine learning (ML) may be oblivious to human bias but it is not immune to its perpetuation. Marginalisation and iniquitous group representation are often traceable in the very data used for training, and may be reflected or even enhanced by the learning models. In the present work, we aim at clarifying the role played by data geometry in the emergence of ML bias. We introduce an exactly solvable high-dimensional model of data imbalance, where parametric control over the many bias-inducing factors allows for an extensive exploration of the bias inheritance mechanism. Through the tools of statistical physics, we analytically characterise the typical properties of learning models trained in this synthetic framework and obtain exact predictions for the observables that are commonly employed for fairness assessment. Despite the simplicity of the data model, we retrace and unpack typical unfairness behaviour observed on real-world datasets. We also obtain a detailed analytical characterisation of a class of bias mitigation strategies. We first consider a basic loss-reweighing scheme, which allows for an implicit minimisation of different unfairness metrics, and quantify the incompatibilities between some existing fairness criteria. Then, we consider a novel mitigation strategy based on a matched inference approach, consisting in the introduction of coupled learning models. Our theoretical analysis of this approach shows that the coupled strategy can strike superior fairness-accuracy trade-offs. [Read Article]
  • Maslow's Hammer for Catastrophic Forgetting: Node Re-Use vs Node Activation

    Sebastian Lee, Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Claudia Clopath, Sebastian Goldt, Andrew Saxe
    Continual learning - learning new tasks in sequence while maintaining performance on old tasks - remains particularly challenging for artificial neural networks. Surprisingly, the amount of forgetting does not increase with the dissimilarity between the learned tasks, but appears to be worst in an intermediate similarity regime. In this paper we theoretically analyse both a synthetic teacher-student framework and a real data setup to provide an explanation of this phenomenon that we name Maslow's hammer hypothesis. Our analysis reveals the presence of a trade-off between node activation and node re-use that results in worst forgetting in the intermediate regime. Using this understanding we reinterpret popular algorithmic interventions for catastrophic interference in terms of this trade-off, and identify the regimes in which they are most effective. [Read Article]
  • Probing transfer learning with a model of synthetic correlated datasets

    Federica Gerace, Luca Saglietti, Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Andrew Saxe, Lenka Zdeborová
    Transfer learning can significantly improve the sample efficiency of neural networks, by exploiting the relatedness between a data-scarce target task and a data-abundant source task. Despite years of successful applications, transfer learning practice often relies on ad-hoc solutions, while theoretical understanding of these procedures is still limited. In the present work, we re-think a solvable model of synthetic data as a framework for modeling correlation between data-sets. This setup allows for an analytic characterization of the generalization performance obtained when transferring the learned feature map from the source to the target task. Focusing on the problem of training two-layer networks in a binary classification setting, we show that our model can capture a range of salient features of transfer learning with real data. Moreover, by exploiting parametric control over the correlation between the two data-sets, we systematically investigate under which conditions the transfer of features is beneficial for generalization. [Read Article]
  • Analytical Study of Momentum-Based Acceleration Methods in Paradigmatic High-Dimensional Non-Convex Problems

    Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Pierfrancesco Urbani
    The optimization step in many machine learning problems rarely relies on vanilla gradient descent but it is common practice to use momentum-based accelerated methods. Despite these algorithms being widely applied to arbitrary loss functions, their behaviour in generically non-convex, high dimensional landscapes is poorly understood. In this work, we use dynamical mean field theory techniques to describe analytically the average dynamics of these methods in a prototypical non-convex model: the (spiked) matrix-tensor model. We derive a closed set of equations that describe the behaviour of heavy-ball momentum and Nesterov acceleration in the infinite dimensional limit. By numerical integration of these equations, we observe that these methods speed up the dynamics but do not improve the algorithmic threshold with respect to gradient descent in the spiked model. [Read Article]
  • Epidemic mitigation by statistical inference from contact tracing data

    Antoine Baker, Indaco Biazzo, Alfredo Braunstein, Giovanni Catania, Luca Dall’Asta, Alessandro Ingrosso, Florent Krzakala, Fabio Mazza, Marc Mezard, Anna Paola Muntoni, Maria Refinetti, Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Lenka Zdeborova
    Contact tracing is an essential tool to mitigate the impact of a pandemic, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to achieve efficient and scalable contact tracing in real time, digital devices can play an important role. While a lot of attention has been paid to analyzing the privacy and ethical risks of the associated mobile applications, so far much less research has been devoted to optimizing their performance and assessing their impact on the mitigation of the epidemic. We develop Bayesian inference methods to estimate the risk that an individual is infected. This inference is based on the list of his recent contacts and their own risk levels, as well as personal information such as results of tests or presence of syndromes. We propose to use probabilistic risk estimation to optimize testing and quarantining strategies for the control of an epidemic. Our results show that in some range of epidemic spreading (typically when the manual tracing of all contacts of infected people becomes practically impossible but before the fraction of infected people reaches the scale where a lockdown becomes unavoidable), this inference of individuals at risk could be an efficient way to mitigate the epidemic. Our approaches translate into fully distributed algorithms that only require communication between individuals who have recently been in contact. Such communication may be encrypted and anonymized, and thus, it is compatible with privacy-preserving standards. We conclude that probabilistic risk estimation is capable of enhancing the performance of digital contact tracing and should be considered in the mobile applications. [Read Article]
  • Optimization and Generalization of Shallow Neural Networks with Quadratic Activation Functions

    Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Eric Vanden-Eijnden, Lenka Zdeborova
    We study the dynamics of optimization and the generalization properties of one-hidden layer neural networks with quadratic activation function in the overparametrized regime where the layer width m is larger than the input dimension d. We consider a teacher-student scenario where the teacher has the same structure as the student with a hidden layer of smaller width m*<=m. We describe how the empirical loss landscape is affected by the number n of data samples and the width m* of the teacher network. In particular we determine how the probability that there be no spurious minima on the empirical loss depends on n, d, and m*, thereby establishing conditions under which the neural network can in principle recover the teacher. We also show that under the same conditions gradient descent dynamics on the empirical loss converges and leads to small generalization error, i.e. it enables recovery in practice. Finally we characterize the time-convergence rate of gradient descent in the limit of a large number of samples. These results are confirmed by numerical experiments. [Read Article]
  • Complex Dynamics in Simple Neural Networks: Understanding Gradient Flow in Phase Retrieval

    Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Giulio Biroli, Chiara Cammarota, Florent Krzakala, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Lenka Zdeborova
    Despite the widespread use of gradient-based algorithms for optimising high-dimensional non-convex functions, understanding their ability of finding good minima instead of being trapped in spurious ones remains to a large extent an open problem. Here we focus on gradient flow dynamics for phase retrieval from random measurements. When the ratio of the number of measurements over the input dimension is small the dynamics remains trapped in spurious minima with large basins of attraction. We find analytically that above a critical ratio those critical points become unstable developing a negative direction toward the signal. By numerical experiments we show that in this regime the gradient flow algorithm is not trapped; it drifts away from the spurious critical points along the unstable direction and succeeds in finding the global minimum. Using tools from statistical physics we characterise this phenomenon, which is related to a BBP-type transition in the Hessian of the spurious minima. [Read Article]
  • Thresholds of descending algorithms in inference problems

    Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Lenka Zdeborova
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    We review recent works (Sarao Mannelli et al 2018 arXiv 1812.09066, 2019 Int. Conf. on Machine Learning 4333–42, 2019 Adv. Neural Information Processing Systems 8676–86) on analyzing the dynamics of gradient-based algorithms in a prototypical statistical inference problem. Using methods and insights from the physics of glassy systems, these works showed how to understand quantitatively and qualitatively the performance of gradient-based algorithms. Here we review the key results and their interpretation in non-technical terms accessible to a wide audience of physicists in the context of related works. [Read Article]
  • Marvels and pitfalls of the Langevin algorithm in noisy high-dimensional inference

    Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Giulio Biroli, Chiara Cammarota, Florent Krzakala, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Lenka Zdeborova
    Gradient-descent-based algorithms and their stochastic versions have widespread applications in machine learning and statistical inference. In this work, we carry out an analytic study of the performance of the algorithm most commonly considered in physics, the Langevin algorithm, in the context of noisy high-dimensional inference. We employ the Langevin algorithm to sample the posterior probability measure for the spiked mixed matrix-tensor model. The typical behavior of this algorithm is described by a system of integrodifferential equations that we call the Langevin state evolution, whose solution is compared with the one of the state evolution of approximate message passing (AMP). Our results show that, remarkably, the algorithmic threshold of the Langevin algorithm is suboptimal with respect to the one given by AMP. This phenomenon is due to the residual glassiness present in that region of parameters. We also present a simple heuristic expression of the transition line, which appears to be in agreement with the numerical results. [Read Article]
  • Who is Afraid of Big Bad Minima? Analysis of gradient-flow in spiked matrix-tensor models

    Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Giulio Biroli, Chiara Cammarota, Florent Krzakala, Lenka Zdeborova
    Gradient-based algorithms are effective for many machine learning tasks, but despite ample recent effort and some progress, it often remains unclear why they work in practice in optimising high-dimensional non-convex functions and why they find good minima instead of being trapped in spurious ones. Here we present a quantitative theory explaining this behaviour in a spiked matrix-tensor model. Our framework is based on the Kac-Rice analysis of stationary points and a closed-form analysis of gradient-flow originating from statistical physics. We show that there is a well defined region of parameters where the gradient-flow algorithm finds a good global minimum despite the presence of exponentially many spurious local minima. We show that this is achieved by surfing on saddles that have strong negative direction towards the global minima, a phenomenon that is connected to a BBP-type threshold in the Hessian describing the critical points of the landscapes. [Read Article]
  • Passed & Spurious: Descent Algorithms and Local Minima in Spiked Matrix-Tensor Models

    Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Florent Krzakala, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Lenka Zdeborova
    In this work we analyse quantitatively the interplay between the loss landscape and performance of descent algorithms in a prototypical inference problem, the spiked matrix-tensor model. We study a loss function that is the negative log-likelihood of the model. We analyse the number of local minima at a fixed distance from the signal/spike with the Kac-Rice formula, and locate trivialization of the landscape at large signal-to-noise ratios. We evaluate analytically the performance of a gradient flow algorithm using integro-differential PDEs as developed in physics of disordered systems for the Langevin dynamics. We analyze the performance of an approximate message passing algorithm estimating the maximum likelihood configuration via its state evolution. We conclude by comparing the above results: while we observe a drastic slow down of the gradient flow dynamics even in the region where the landscape is trivial, both the analyzed algorithms are shown to perform well even in the part of the region of parameters where spurious local minima are present. [Read Article]